Sunday, July 8, 2007
- At August 4, 2007 at 6:11 PM , Larry said...
Good post, and it will take an uprising of the masses to get the attention of those who view this as their kingdom.
- At August 4, 2007 at 6:19 PM , Larry said...
Check out this excellent post of what Bush has done to America, and Pelosi's role in this.
America Weeps
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From an earlier post:
Given the nature of the shared neurological tissue existing between the dictatorship and News Corporation, I offer some practical thoughts on our Nation’s possible future and how we the people might respond.
We are headed for a showdown the junta would prefer to prevent: A Kent State-like police state overreaction that would jar all citizens awake on both sides. I distinctly recall the people found common ground, albeit stubbornly, in shared feelings of dispair and grief that turned to anger which quickly became a unified force directed at those who attempted to quell the rights of the citizens-to suppress the First Amendment with bullets.
The act cut right through the media fog, the comfortably ignorant, the apathetic, and even many stubborn politicos on the right. Such an atrocity (today) would instantly silence Murdoch’s Screamers and unify the people against a common enemy.
Karl Rove and Dick Cheney want to avoid martyr-making at any cost, but I believe the people are nearing a breaking point as frustration, anxiety, uncertainty, and anger are gaining collective momentum. I hope matters will never rise to the breaking point, but it is foolish in the extreme not to be both vigilant and very prepared.
Their nightmare is our obligation.
The Second Amendment was scribed for this purpose, having Thomas Jefferson all over it, and we cannot allow any form of disarming by any entity, including privatized armies, quasi-brown shirts, or presidential acts, to eliminate our last line of defense against tyranny.
We are the government, not Adolf’s reincarnations. The Bush dictatorship lost it’s legal protections the moment it ignored the laws of the land. Libby’s commutation was prima facie evidence of a clear attack against our system of laws. Added to the acutely totalitarian “presidential directive” trick-a mirror of Hitler’s Directive 17 and myriad signing statements-there exists no doubt the states should act by secession and collectively resist the last stages of the coup, should it become necessary.
Then, there’s the responsibilities of each citizen.
My personal trigger, by no means the only one, will be based on simple cause and effect: The cause will be declaration of martial law. The effect will be lock and load.
It would be up to the state authorities, including local and state law enforcement, and what’s left of the State’s National Guard units, to control any potential acts by the dictatorship or it’s privatized army to move against the people.
The momentary loss of federal funds or assistance-emergency or not- pales jokingly when compared to the loss of freedoms this nation’s people have protected with their lives for 231 years.
Since the dictatorship’s primary NSA function may be the control of domestic patriots attempting to reclaim their nation, not the ruse of international terrorism-truly a local, coordinated police control issue-every action must be out in the open and on the table, to begin with. Like this communication today.
The military leadership is charged with defending the Republic against any attack, including a dictatorship whose primary function is the elimination of all Constitutional rights. The commanders are obliged to protect the People and their Constitution from acts of aggressive subversion from within as faithfully as it would from any external attack.
There is no controversy.
I thought some exposition, however brief, should be set forth in response to the recent blatant attacks on our nation from within. We should be at all times ready to protect and defend that which we love with our lives.
And, no matter how overreactive this communication appears, it is an extention of a very important message hundreds of years old: The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Today, it is clear our liberty is under attack.
We are not the attackers or provocateurs, and have not egregiously broken any laws defending our Constitution. Those who conspired to destroy it are and have.
We, not the militant malignancy currently in power, are the government, and should never forget it.
Our Constitution gives equal rights to Murdochian clones, people whose primary function seem to be closely allied with the dictatorship. For this reason, it is essential that the people continue the outing of ideological subversion bent on polarizing us and conquering our system of laws.
To which, there was response. And I will withhold it, unless authorized to release. Please, connect the dots.-
I responded:
Then millions need to be on the same page, looking at the same reality, and knowing exactly what to do.
The elephant declines and leaves a residue. It is that residue that might be none other than freedom’s demise.
Rising together, there will be nothing the NSA or the Junta will dare do but watch. In the alternative, they prove my point: That it is the people-not the terrorists-they fear. Just to put everyone on the same page.
This country is, in fact, ours. We are not terrorists, except in the minds of Neo Con conspirators. We are citizens of the United States of America.
If one bleeds, we all bleed. Is Jefferson not clear on this?